Andrei Pleșu nu este numai un stilist desăvârșit al limbii române. Este, mai presus de orice, un original filosof al moralei, al religiei, al politicului, unul dintre autenticii apărători ai libertăților care dau măsura modernitatii.
Are oroare de mediocritate. Detestă vorbăria sterila, palavrageala pseudo-docta, lipsa de umor, permanenta incruntare. Stie sa rada si ii place sa o faca. Cred ca ne-am cunoscut in vara anului 1975. Nasii prieteniei noastre au fost doi Radu: criticii de arta Radu Bogdan si Radu Stern. Discuțiile noastre erau cat se poate de dezinhibate.
Imi amintesc o seara la Radu si Dalia Bogdan, o masa in 1980 pentru Victor Ieronim Stoichita. Cu Victor copilarisem cumva, candva impreuna. Nu in Primăverii (n-am locuit niciodată in ceea ce Imre Toth numea „perimetrul sacru”), ci pe strada Andrei Mureșanu la numărul 29. Erau acolo Catrinel Pleșu, Gabriel Liiceanu, Alexandru Paleologu. Eu venisem impreuna cu verisoara mea Olga.
Fără îndoială, Andrei Pleșu întruchipează exemplar condiția intelectualului critic în lumea postcomunistă. Prețuit de mulți, admirat, invocat și citat, el rămâne în continuare un spin în coasta celor care detestă dialogul și diversitatea. Directețea scrisului său, refuzul de a se exprima eufemistic când e vorba de imbecilitate, mitocănie și mârșăvie, au dus și duc la atacuri dezgustătoare. Mobilizarea resentimentelor și invidiilor arată cât de departe poate merge poltroneria celor care nu suportă puterea valorii autentice.
Fiecare articol al său este o invitație la decență, eleganță a gândirii și civilitate.
Pe Andrei îl obosește profund starea de continuă nervozitate așa-zis morală, dar în mod cert îl exasperează relativismele bășcălioase ale celor pentru care totalitarismul nu a fost (și nu este) decât o bagatelă istorică. Pledează pentru dreptul la existență al scepticismului dezabuzat, dar el rămâne un moralist pe cât de onest, pe atât de lucid: „Sunt momente în care nu e de făcut decât ceea ce ai simțit din prima clipă că trebuie să faci.
Orice tergiversare suspendă iremediabil impulsul moral sănătos. Excesul inteligenței, rafinamentele psihanalitice, deprinderea de a găsi justificări pentru orice, de-a înțelege totul dialectic, talentul, în sfârșit, de a vedea relativitate acolo unde un discernământ nativ separă, fără dificultate, binele de rău—toate acestea sunt premise certe ale pierderii spontaneității morale” (Minima moralia).
Tocmai accentul pe această spontaneitate morală, pe ceea ce englezii numesc common sense, îl apropie de Andrei Pleșu de un Raymond Aron, George Orwell, Arthur Koestler sau Isaiah Berlin. Mai presus de orice, Andrei Pleșu este un om al dialogului, o personalitate de vârf a culturii române pentru care valori precum încrederea și toleranța sunt fundamentale. Îi repugnă resentimentele de orice fel. Știe să fie îngăduitor, dar nu face rabat la principii.In cele trei decenii si mai bine care s-au scurs de la prăbușirea dictaturii, Andrei Pleșu a aparat valorile pluralismului.
A fost insultat, calomniat, denigrat. Este un om cu un acut simt al valorilor. S-a înșelat uneori la oameni? Care dintre noi nu a patit-o? A devenit un mizantrop, o acritura? Nici vorba! Mi-a „reprosat” candva un exces de generozitate in prietenii. Poate, dar, asemeni lui, prefer sa gresesc prin plus mai degraba decat prin minus. La Multi Ani, frumosi, bucurosi si sanatosi, draga Andrei, impreuna cu cei pe care-i iubești si care te iubesc!

La Multi Ani domnule Plesu !
La multi ani, cu sanatate si bucurii!
La mulți ani!
O personalitate rară, un om minunat !
Este unic, este un talent uluitor .
Simțul umorului, șarmul inegalabil, bunul simț și dăruirea exemplară pentru cititorii lui , farmecul extraordinar pe care i l a dăruit Dumnezeu, îl fac nemuritor și fff iubit de noi toți!
Să fiți sănătos și fericit!!
Azi e o zi f frumoasa!
Ca sa știți!
Andrei Plesu este unul dintre numerosii „lianti” care inca ma leaga de Romania si care ma inbogateste spiritual de fiecare data cand il aud sau ii citesc vreo carte. La multi ani Andrei Plesu!
La multi ani, domnule Plesu !
Multumesc, domnule Tismaneanu, pentru acest articol !
Ma alatur cu simpatie intelectuala urarilor de longevitate si sanatate adresate lui Andrei Plesu cu prilejul implinirii seniorialei varste de 74 de ani, azi, pe 23 august. Andrei Plesu este un om de cultura, un reper al elitei, ca scriitor, estetician, istoric al artei, pentru care a fost onorat cu inalte distinctii europene, precum Medalia Goethe, pe care Germania o acorda non-germanilor pentru servicii deosebite aduse limbii germane si relatiilor culturale internationale. Dar Andrei Plesu este si un politician de varf, mult timp angajat, ca fost ministru FSN al Culturii si fost ministru CDR de Externe. Aceasta fateta politica a personalitatii sale multiple nu poate fi omisa fara riscul de a fi gaunosi, trebuie spus ca Andrei Plesu a fost votat de romani si s-a numarat printre liderii cetatii. Prin acest angajament politic, care l-a facut un actor al puterii, atat de stanga cat si de dreapta, eseistul Andrei Plesu este incontestabil opusul lui Raymond Aron, care a fost „un spectator angajat”, cum s-a autocaracterizat filosoful francez. Oricum, il apreciez prea mult pentru a face din el un „idol”, pentru simplul motiv ca cine devenea prea popular in Grecia Antica era exilat din cetate, fiind considerat periculos pentru demokratie. Dar si pentru ca idolii pot fi daramati de pe soclu, cum am vazut in campania electorala prezidentiala din 2020 a lui Joe Biden, in razboiul progresist al statuilor. De aceea, titlul mi se pare o tautologie la puterea a 3-a! La multi ani, Andrei Plesu!
La Multi Ani, domnule Plesu!
As cita un fragment din ´Anxious Angels: A Retrospective View of Religious Existentialism, a lui George Pattison, mi se pare foarte potrivit si pt. tipul de existentialism religios si ´critic´ al Dnului Andrei Plesu, un conservator ´vechi´ si totusi un om modern, al timpului sau, foarte greu ´clasificabil´ de altfel. Si pt. ca e vorba despre ´ingeri´ ( ´anxiosi´, insomniaci ), Kierkegaard, Berdiaev, P. Tillich sau G. Marcel, bantuiti de ´intrebarile rusesti´ …
Modernity is, in fact, a crucial element in any account of existentialism. On the one hand, existentialism itself is a profoundly modernist movement, embracing the modernist protest against submission to the authority of the social, religious and intellectual status quo. On the other hand, the existentialists (and the religious existentialists in particular) cast suspicious eyes on the modernists’ intellectual faith in scientific rationality, their moral faith in the principle of autonomy and their political faith in the pursuit of utopia. Existentialism is thus neither simply ‘modernist’ nor simply ‘anti-modernist’. Rather, it is a movement from within modernity against modernity and involves a peculiar heightening of the self-critical tendency in modernity itself.
Andrei Pleșu este un boier din categoria Djuvara sau Paleologu. Sper sa trăiască cât primul.
Nu stiam ca ziua de nastere a lui Andrei Plesu e 23 august. Mi se pare o chestie teribil de haioasa, a avut multi ani sa-si serbeze nasterea in zi de sarbatoare.
Pt mine Andrei Plesu e unul dintre putinii care au ramas cu capul sus din teribilele incercari ale istoriei contemporane agitate.
La multi ani!
M-am gandit ca ce poate fi mai potrivit pt aniversarea lui Andrei Plesu decat un fragment umoristic. Sper sa il amuze.
P.G. Wodehouse The Clicking of Cuthbert, cea mai amuzanta povestire, dupa parerea mea. Multumiri proiectului Gutenberg
„Oh, Mr. Brusiloff,” said Mrs. Smethurst, „I do so want you to meet Mr. Raymond Parsloe Devine, whose work I expect you know. He is one of our younger novelists.”
The distinguished visitor peered in a wary and defensive manner through the shrubbery, but did not speak. Inwardly he was thinking how exactly like Mr. Devine was to the eighty-one other younger novelists to whom he had been introduced at various hamlets throughout the country. Raymond Parsloe Devine bowed courteously, while Cuthbert, wedged into his corner, glowered at him.
„The critics,” said Mr. Devine, „have been kind enough to say that my poor efforts contain a good deal of the Russian spirit. I owe much to the great Russians. I have been greatly influenced by Sovietski.”
Down in the forest something stirred. It was Vladimir Brusiloff’s mouth opening, as he prepared to speak. He was not a man who prattled readily, especially in a foreign tongue. He gave the impression that each word was excavated from his interior by some up-to-date process of mining. He glared bleakly at Mr. Devine, and allowed three words to drop out of him.
„Sovietski no good!”
He paused for a moment, set the machinery working again, and delivered five more at the pithead.
„I spit me of Sovietski!”
There was a painful sensation. The lot of a popular idol is in many ways an enviable one, but it has the drawback of uncertainty. Here today and gone tomorrow. Until this moment Raymond Parsloe Devine’s stock had stood at something considerably over par in Wood Hills intellectual circles, but now there was a rapid slump. Hitherto he had been greatly admired for being influenced by Sovietski, but it appeared now that this was not a good thing to be. It was evidently a rotten thing to be. The law could not touch you for being influenced by Sovietski, but there is an ethical as well as a legal code, and this it was obvious that Raymond Parsloe Devine had transgressed. Women drew away from him slightly, holding their skirts. Men looked at him censoriously. Adeline Smethurst started violently, and dropped a tea-cup. And Cuthbert Banks, doing his popular imitation of a sardine in his corner, felt for the first time that life held something of sunshine.
Raymond Parsloe Devine was plainly shaken, but he made an adroit attempt to recover his lost prestige.
„When I say I have been influenced by Sovietski, I mean, of course, that I was once under his spell. A young writer commits many follies. I have long since passed through that phase. The false glamour of Sovietski has ceased to dazzle me. I now belong whole-heartedly to the school of Nastikoff.”
There was a reaction. People nodded at one another sympathetically. After all, we cannot expect old heads on young shoulders, and a lapse at the outset of one’s career should not be held against one who has eventually seen the light.
„Nastikoff no good,” said Vladimir Brusiloff, coldly. He paused, listening to the machinery.
„Nastikoff worse than Sovietski.”
He paused again.
„I spit me of Nastikoff!” he said.
This time there was no doubt about it. The bottom had dropped out of the market, and Raymond Parsloe Devine Preferred were down in the cellar with no takers. It was clear to the entire assembled company that they had been all wrong about Raymond Parsloe Devine. They had allowed him to play on their innocence and sell them a pup. They had taken him at his own valuation, and had been cheated into admiring him as a man who amounted to something, and all the while he had belonged to the school of Nastikoff. You never can tell. Mrs. Smethurst’s guests were well-bred, and there was consequently no violent demonstration, but you could see by their faces what they felt. Those nearest Raymond Parsloe jostled to get further away. Mrs. Smethurst eyed him stonily through a raised lorgnette. One or two low hisses were heard, and over at the other end of the room somebody opened the window in a marked manner.
Raymond Parsloe Devine hesitated for a moment, then, realizing his situation, turned and slunk to the door. There was an audible sigh of relief as it closed behind him.
Vladimir Brusiloff proceeded to sum up.
„No novelists any good except me. Sovietski—yah! Nastikoff—bah! I spit me of zem all. No novelists anywhere any good except me. P. G. Wodehouse and Tolstoi not bad. Not good, but not bad. No novelists any good except me.”
And, having uttered this dictum, he removed a slab of cake from a near-by plate, steered it through the jungle, and began to champ.
It is too much to say that there was a dead silence. There could never be that in any room in which Vladimir Brusiloff was eating cake. But certainly what you might call the general chit-chat was pretty well down and out. Nobody liked to be the first to speak. The members of the Wood Hills Literary Society looked at one another timidly. Cuthbert, for his part, gazed at Adeline; and Adeline gazed into space. It was plain that the girl was deeply stirred. Her eyes were opened wide, a faint flush crimsoned her cheeks, and her breath was coming quickly.
Adeline’s mind was in a whirl. She felt as if she had been walking gaily along a pleasant path and had stopped suddenly on the very brink of a precipice. It would be idle to deny that Raymond Parsloe Devine had attracted her extraordinarily. She had taken him at his own valuation as an extremely hot potato, and her hero-worship had gradually been turning into love. And now her hero had been shown to have feet of clay. It was hard, I consider, on Raymond Parsloe Devine, but that is how it goes in this world. You get a following as a celebrity, and then you run up against another bigger celebrity and your admirers desert you. One could moralize on this at considerable length, but better not, perhaps. Enough to say that the glamour of Raymond Devine ceased abruptly in that moment for Adeline, and her most coherent thought at this juncture was the resolve, as soon as she got up to her room, to burn the three signed photographs he had sent her and to give the autographed presentation set of his books to the grocer’s boy.
Mrs. Smethurst, meanwhile, having rallied somewhat, was endeavouring to set the feast of reason and flow of soul going again.
„And how do you like England, Mr. Brusiloff?” she asked.
The celebrity paused in the act of lowering another segment of cake.
„Dam good,” he replied, cordially.
„I suppose you have travelled all over the country by this time?”
„You said it,” agreed the Thinker.
„Have you met many of our great public men?”
„Yais—Yais—Quite a few of the nibs—Lloyid Gorge, I meet him. But——” Beneath the matting a discontented expression came into his face, and his voice took on a peevish note. „But I not meet your real great men—your Arbmishel, your Arreevadon—I not meet them. That’s what gives me the pipovitch. Have you ever met Arbmishel and Arreevadon?”
A strained, anguished look came into Mrs. Smethurst’s face and was reflected in the faces of the other members of the circle. The eminent Russian had sprung two entirely new ones on them, and they felt that their ignorance was about to be exposed. What would Vladimir Brusiloff think of the Wood Hills Literary Society? The reputation of the Wood Hills Literary Society was at stake, trembling in the balance, and coming up for the third time. In dumb agony Mrs. Smethurst rolled her eyes about the room searching for someone capable of coming to the rescue. She drew blank.
And then, from a distant corner, there sounded a deprecating, cough, and those nearest Cuthbert Banks saw that he had stopped twisting his right foot round his left ankle and his left foot round his right ankle and was sitting up with a light of almost human intelligence in his eyes.
„Er——” said Cuthbert, blushing as every eye in the room seemed to fix itself on him, „I think he means Abe Mitchell and Harry Vardon.”
La mulți și împliniți ani Maestre
Là tout n’est q’ordre et beauté, luxe, calme et volupté…
Și totuși Erasmus trăiește, e contemporanul nostru…
Admir la domnul Pleșu gîndul elaborat îmbrăcat în cuvinte potrivite – mare croitor! Și umorul. La mulți ani, domnule Andrei Pleșu!
La multi ani, Domnule!
Personalitățile sunt de neînlocuit. Ce mai e presa română de când Andrei Pleșu nu mai clarifică în Adevărul încâlcita noastră actualitate?
O clarifica in Dilema Veche.
Multă sănătate și împliniri! Vă mulțumesc că existați! De la dumneavoastră m-am străduit să învăț echilibrul, cumpătarea, chibzuința și vorba înțeleaptă. De câteva ori am reușit. Sunteți una din personalitățile de frunte ale culturii române, care s-a implicat
în viața socială și ați luat atitudine cu cumpănire, față de o lume românească atât de zbuciumată, dezorientată, bezmetică și contradictorie. Cu siguranță perioada ultimilor 33 de ani va fi studiată sârguincios la istoria națiunii. Sunteți un exemplu de intelectual implicat în viața socială.
Vă sunt recunoscător și vă mulțumesc din suflet!
La mulți ani!